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The Ultimate Guide To Wireframe Design



Do you think about a solid product design? Or you’re going to start a new project? The wireframe is the foundation! Designing a wireframe is no longer rocket science. Thanks to our technological advancement, we can have well-structured wireframes for any project. However, there are a lot of factors that make a good wireframe. You might have questions like whether you need to design one wireframe or more, whether you need visual elements etc. This article will resolve all queries.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Wireframe Design

Step 1: UI wireframe

The first step involves a very important element. The user interface is the first point of contact between the user and the business operator. Hence a well-structured design can make the deal. Thus wireframing the UI includes the addition of basic designs, the implementation of multiple features etc. Wireframing the user interface often includes paper drawing, digital wireframing and various other methodologies.

Technical architectures always use simple wireframing components for UI because it shows functionality and visual appeal. The best UI designers use some specific UI kits in this step which are as follows.

  1. Sketch-style UI kit: It aids the basic designing process. One can compare the sketch kit to handling materials. The simple nature of casual UI components makes them useful for tech experts.
  2. Classic web wireframing kit: The ultimate use of this UI kit is due to its functional purposes. Thus wireframing UI kit also aids in the process of formal design. More options you will get as well.
  3. Mobile wireframing kit: One can easily operate it through smartphones. A simple design can be done using smartphones.

Step 2: Visual Designing

Some visual elements need to be added to fill in the blanks in the wireframe. Here, visual appeals come in handy. The initial stages of wireframe design include low-fidelity layout structures. That means tech experts add basic layouts with navigation features, IA etc. It ensures better readability.

Step 3: Lorem Ipsum Or Real Content

Designers often get confused between the real content or lorem ipsum for placeholders. Adding real content to the wireframe is a preferable option to some technical experts but they may not perform well. Lorem ipsum prevents the requirements of multiple dedicated efforts and automatically adds to the design process. It adds basic content, but some designers are often misled by its excessive use.

Step 4: Navigating The Wireframe

Users always want navigation, but with some design elements in it. They aren't ready to see an elongated navigation design. So, designers thus focus on logical, fluid navigation wireframing to offer great usability. It is recommended to give more navigation features if the product needs extensive design elements.

Step 5: Interaction Design

The last step must include the addition of an interactive wireframing design. Interaction plays a vital role to hold the customer for a longer time. This makes the website interactive and engaging.

Wrapping Up

Wireframing is said to be the blueprint for product design. Wireframing is relevant to any department like designers, engineers, marketers, product managers etc. It builds the foundational structure. Hence one must have complete guidelines before proceeding with the wireframing design. The step mentioned above is effective for wireframing design. You must consult professionals to get the best out of it. Need web development services in Australia? Look no further than Your Flow Australia.